Mobility and migration in Europe.

Law Department of the University of Turin.
2-4 Dicember 2019 Campus Luigi Einaudi | Lungo Dora Siena 100/A - Turin
The Turin Winter School on EU Integration, Law and Justice is hosted by the Law Department of the University of Turin and is part of the 2019-2022 Jean Monnet Module on “EU Mobility and Migration Law”, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the European Union.
The first edition of the Turin Winter School focuses on the role that EU law plays vis-à-vis the increasing adoption of restrictive policies at national level on migration and on intra-EU mobility.
The members of the faculty are Prof. E. Spaventa, Prof. M. Jesse, Prof. A. Spagnolo, Prof. F. Spitaleri, Dr. V. Ferraris, Dr. A. Rosanò, Prof. S. Montaldo and Prof. V. Mitsilegas.
The Turin Winter School mainly targets young researchers, Ph.D. candidates and graduate students. Participation is free of charge.
At the end of the Turin Winter School, participants will receive a certificate of attendance. Admittance is limited to a maximum of 40 participants. Applications, together with a CV, must be submitted by Wednesday, 6 November 2019.
Applications and info: Scientific committee: Prof. Francesco Costamagna, Dr. Alberto Miglio, Prof. Stefano Montaldo.