Alessandra Venturini is Professor of Political Economy at the University of Turin (permanent position) and Associate at the Migration Policy Center(MPC), EUI, Florence. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the European University Institute in Florence and has held senior academic positions at various Universities. She has been visiting professor at the Institute of Development Studies (Sussex University), at Brown and Stanford Universities, at the International Institute of Labor Studies (at the ILO in Geneva) and COMPAS (Oxford). She conducted joint research projects with many international organisations as the OECD, the World Bank and the European Commission. She is a fellow of IZA and IMISCOE. Her research interests cover many aspects of migration studies: the migration choice, the effect of migration in host labour market and in the EU innovation process, the demand of caregivers in an aging society, the assimilation of migrants. She has also written extensively on the effect in the sending countries of remittances, and highly-skilled migration and on circular and irregular migration.
Roberta Ricucci is Associate Professor at the University of Turin, dept. Of Culture, Politics and Society, where she teaches Sociology of Inter-ethnic Relations and Sociology of Islam. She is also senior Affiliate at the Center for the Study of Religion and Society of the University of Notre Dame (US), senior researcher and chair of the cluster of Sociology of Religion within the European Sociological Association (ESA). She has wide and varied experience of research on immigration issues, both at national and international levels, also as visiting research fellow in several prestigious Universities, as Princeton (US), Melbourne (Australia), McGill (Canada). Her recent research has generally been focused on the management of Islam in the diaspora countries, migration phenomena, immigrant children and their identity-building process and religiousness.
Tiziana Caponio is Associate Professor of Political Science and of Dynamics and Policies of Migration, Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin (Professore Associato, since May 2015), research Affilate at Collegio Carlo Alberto and Research fellow at FIERI, Forum of International and European Research on Immigration.