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Risultati immagini per alessandra venturini

Alessandra Venturini is Professor of Political Economy at the University of Turin (permanent position) and Associate at the Migration Policy Center(MPC), EUI, Florence. She holds a Ph.D. in Economics from the European University Institute in Florence and has held senior academic positions at various  Universities. She has been visiting professor at the Institute of Development Studies (Sussex University), at Brown and Stanford Universities,  at the International Institute of Labor Studies (at the ILO in Geneva) and COMPAS (Oxford). She conducted joint research projects with many international organisations as the OECD, the World Bank and   the European Commission. She is a fellow of IZA and IMISCOE. Her research interests cover many aspects of migration studies: the migration choice, the effect of migration in host labour market and in the EU innovation process, the demand of caregivers in an aging society, the assimilation of migrants. She has also written extensively on the effect in the sending countries of remittances, and highly-skilled migration and on circular and irregular migration.


Risultati immagini per francesco costamagna università torino
Francesco Costamagna is Associate Professor of EU Law at the Law Department of the University of Turin. He is Affiliate at the Collegio Carlo Alberto. He has been faculty member of  the Center for Transnational Legal Studies (Georgetown University) and Guest Professor at the Goethe University Frankfurt. He is currently serving as National expert of MoveS (Free Movement of Workers and Social Security Coordination), a network funded by the European Commission.
His research mainly deal with the relationship between economic integration and social protection systems in the EU legal order, with a specific focus on the relationship between the European economic governance and the EU social dimension. Moreover, he has worked extensively on intra-EU mobility and free movement of workers. He is the author of a book, articles and  book chapters, both in English and Italian, on these and other related topics.
Risultati immagini per manuela consito
Manuela Consito is Associate Professor in Administrative law at the School of Law of the University of Turin. She holds a PhD in Public Law. She has been teaching Public Law, Administrative Law, Immigration Law, Public Procurement Law, Welfare and Social Service Administrative Law, Administrative Environmental Law for many years. She is member of the Board of the Human Rights and Migration Law Clinic of the School of Law of the University of Turin. She has been Invited Visiting Professor at the Universitad Complutense de Madrid – Escuela Universitaria de Trabajo Social for the years 2012 and 2014 within the LLP – Erasmus Teaching Exchange Program and Visiting Scholar at the Boston University School of Law in 2009 (Jan-July). 
Manuela’s research interests lie in Public Law area: Administrative Law, Migration Law, Public Utilities Law, Health Law, Disabled People Civil Rights, Poverty Law, Public Procurement Law, Local Authorities Law. She is interested in social assistance services and healthcare systems (citizens’ rights, right to welfare, right to health care; consumers and services of general interest; accreditation of healthcare organizations) and she studied in depth the accreditation of healthcare organizations and the not-for-profit sector. Beside this, she studied the models of organization and the legal rules governing the supply chain in the healthcare disposals and services market, focusing on the US model of the Group Purchasing Organizations (GPOs).
She published three books (in Italian) and several articles in scientific journals, contributions to law encyclopedias and dictionaries, contributions to collections. Her books examine the rules governing the migration of professionals and the principle of mutual recognition of professional qualifications, the accreditation of social services and healthcare providers by studying the relations between accreditation, public procurement and concession, the administrative legal issues arising when a country receives asylum seekers.
Manuela is a member of the Editorial Board of Diritto amministrativo review and Ius Publicum Network Review. She is a member of the European Network for Clinical Legal Education(ENCLE), the Procurement Law Academic Networ ( – University of Nottingham, the Comparative Administrative Law Initiative List, Yale Law School (New Haven, CT, USA).

Risultati immagini per roberta ricucci

Roberta Ricucci is Associate Professor at the University of Turin, dept. Of Culture, Politics and Society, where she teaches Sociology of Inter-ethnic Relations and Sociology of Islam. She is also senior Affiliate at the Center for the Study of Religion and Society of the University of Notre Dame (US), senior researcher and chair of the cluster of Sociology of Religion within the European Sociological Association (ESA). She has wide and varied experience of research on immigration issues, both at national and international levels, also as visiting research fellow in several prestigious Universities, as Princeton (US), Melbourne (Australia), McGill (Canada). Her recent research has generally been focused on the management of Islam in the diaspora countries, migration phenomena, immigrant children and their identity-building process and religiousness.



Risultati immagini per tiziana caponio torino

Tiziana Caponio is Associate Professor of Political Science and of Dynamics and Policies of Migration, Department of Cultures, Politics and Society, University of Turin (Professore Associato, since May 2015), research Affilate at Collegio Carlo Alberto and Research fellow at FIERI, Forum of International and European Research on Immigration.